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"it's only paint"


It would be nice that for every wall, ceiling, etc. we design, the color is an integral part of the genesis of that part of the work.  Ideally we don't design and then think about the colors later, rather we think in terms of a green wall or a blue ceiling as a starting point.

The reality is often quite different.  For many surfaces, the choice of color comes much later.  Sometimes as the painter is showing up on the jobsite.  I think as architects and designers we want to see more of the assembly of the final finishes to tailor that choice of color.  I usually know what walls or ceilings I want to be more or less neutral, but I don't always know the precise colors until the rooms are built, tile and cabinetry, and sometimes exterior landscape, is installed.

Sitting room 72

For every architect or designer you can probably find another color theory that informs these decisions.  From simply choosing chromatic opposites from the color wheel

art factory color wheel

or the infinitely more complex and subtle work of Albers


Sometimes the color that needs to be there to complete the space sits hidden and it takes time and patience to finally scratch that itch and decide that the beam really wants to be red:


more often than not the problem requires a more nuanced hand, a more gentle approach


In the end, the color can be chosen to bend to the other materials, advancing or receding as needed, in support of the guiding ideas of the project.  Until you can stand in the constructed spaces and feel their relationships, their connections to outside colors and reflected sunlight, the choice of the paint colors may have to wait.