Jess To Do
ask about email contact info for contact page.
Ask About Metadata - this might have to be a job-by-job decision.
Ask About text content - Just pull from current site?
Ask About Job titles - Are these finalized or still a work in progress
Home Page?
Davis Welsh Map?
Design Notes
Under "Image Requirements" they support up to 20MB file sizes BUT they recommend a file size of 500k.
Then under "Image Best Practices" they suggest a max image width of 1500px for standard content and 2500px for "site-wide" images (like the banners we're using)
1500px wide images are bigger than 500k. Also, i'm concerned about the image quality of a 500k image. Davis Welsh Condo Test - The banner is 2500px (~3MB) and all of the images in the body are 1500px (in their biggest dimension) (~1MB - ~1.5MB)
ABOUT - Didn't include link to principla's bio that is included in the current about page