Under construction.
Currently under construction is a renovation and complete second story addition to a small ranch style house in South Boulder. Designed for a growing family, the house is also intended to accommodate the owner's parents, becoming a three-generation home. To do this, we have integrated small, intimate areas for children's play along with aging-in-place design strategies and handicap accessible spaces.
(existing ranch house)
This project is also an ongoing experiment for us as it is the first truly design-build collaboration executed with our associated construction and management arm ACI. For this project, the owners are acting as their own general contractor and ACI and M. Gerwing Architects are helping to manage the construction including selecting, coordinating and field reviewing all subcontractors. The end result will be a project where we did spend a bit longer in construction, but the owners were able to be fully involved with the construction, money was definitely saved along the way and all three generations took part in the making of their new home.